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Gress, Kelyn

Email: kelyn.gress@spps.org

Phone: 651-744-1980

Qualifications: B.A.Sc Communication Sciences and Disorders M.A. Speech Language Pathology

Kelyn Gress

Hello! My name is Kelyn (pronounced Key-lyn) Gress and I am the Speech-Language Pathologist here at Capitol Hill Gifted and Talented Magnet School. This will be my fifth year at Capitol Hill and I am super excited to be back with this wonderful community of learners and their families! I grew up in St. Paul and I am an alumni of SPPS. During my time here as a student, I attended Expo Elementary, Murray Middle School, and Central High School. It is great to be back as a staff member! I attended the University of Minnesota Duluth for my undergraduate career studying Communication Sciences and Disorders (Go Dogs!). Following graduation, I moved back home and attended the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for my graduate career in Speech-Language Hearing Sciences. 

Fun Facts About Me
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Sport: Hockey and Baseball 
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Activity: Spending time outside (Hiking, boating) 
Favorite Food: Mac and cheese (or anything chocolate!)

 Things We Work on in Speech Therapy
-Social language
-Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)


Please feel free to contact me via email or phone if you have any questions or concerns about your child's speech or language development. I am looking forward to a wonderful 2022-2023 school year!