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Arnosti, Amanda

Email: amanda.markey@spps.org

Qualifications: University of Chicago: B.A. Economics Carnegie Mellon University: Ph.D. Social & Decision Sciences Relay Graduate School: M.A.T. Math Education 7-12

Dr. Arnosti

Welcome to Dr. Arnosti's Math Class!

I'm Dr. Arnosti, and I LOVE math!  This is my first year at Capitol Hill, and my 11th year of teaching.  I love teaching math because I like figuring out puzzles, and I also like making connections in math (everything in math makes sense if you understand the "why" behind things).  Here is my favorite math puzzle: "Picture the earth as a perfect sphere. Where, on the surface of the earth, can you travel 1 mile south, 1 mile west, 1 mile north, but end exactly where you started?" (There is more than 1 answer!)

Interests: In addition to loving math, I also love hiking, sailing, and traveling to new places (see more below).  On the weekends, I can be found biking around the lakes, playing board games, drinking mango bubble tea, trying new restaurants or throwing a frisbee with my husband.  I also spend a lot of time with my in-laws, who live by Macalester College & by Capitol Hill. Fun fact: My husband & his siblings actually attended Captiol Hill!

Travel: I love traveling to new places, especially ones with beautiful scenery & interesting culture!  I've traveled to 49 out of 50 states (North Dakota is my final one!), and I've been to 18 countries, including: Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Indonesia, Krygyzstan, Ecuador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Israel & India. I hope to travel to Morocco this year! 

Books: I love reading and am always interested in your book recommendations.  Some of my favorite books of all time are: Wonder, Freakonomics, Scythe, Red Queen, Name of the Wind, The Fault in Our Stars, Factfulness, & The Throne of Glass series.




