FAQ about PTO
How can I get involved?
There are so many ways to get involved at Capitol Hill! Contact ptochair.capitolhill@gmail.com to find out about volunteer opportunities (many do not require daytime commitments), or let us know about a special skill you can share. Ask classroom teachers about chaperoning field trips, helping in the classroom, or special projects. Come to a PTO meeting and find out about what’s going on at the school. Participate in the many school events during the year where you can meet other families and have fun.
How can I receive regular updates about what’s happening at Capitol Hill?
You will receive a biweekly e-newsletter, The Headliner, from Capitol Hill every other week. You can also join the Capitol Hill Magnet School- Friends and Families Facebook group, where school events and information are often posted. Some classroom teachers and grade-level teams also put out a regular newsletter, check in with your child’s teacher.
How can I make a donation?
You can support Capitol Hill anytime through the GiveMN website. Click "DONATE" on the top right of this page to go directly to givemn.org/organization/Capitol-Hill-Fund-Raising, or visit paypal.com/paypalme/CapitolHillPTO. You can also make a donation in cash or by check to “Capitol Hill PTO” and drop it off at the office or mail it to school. Donations to the Capitol Hill PTO are tax-deductible. The PTO uses donations to fund field trips and transportation, enrichment opportunities, classroom supplies, community events, and communications. If you have books or other materials, please contact the library or teachers directly.
Don't forget that the Capitol Hill Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(c)3 organization, so many employers will match your donation! You'll just need our school address and the tax ID 41-1967784 for most employer matching systems.