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Welcome to the Capitol Hill PTO Homepage!


PTO News

PTO Co-Chair Needed

We are excited to announce that we are looking for a new PTO co-chair to join our team. If you are passionate about supporting Capitol Hill and enhancing our children's educational experience, this is a great opportunity to get involved. If you are Interested in finding out more, please reach out to ptochair.capitolhill@gmail.com for more details.

Spring Carnival – May 31 – Seeking Donations

We need donations for the Spring Carnival’s Cake Walk and Cherry Tree Room. 

Between May 20-31, the school office will be accepting donations of gently used toys, books, games, puzzles, etc. for kid prizes for the Cherry Tree room.  If you are spring cleaning, consider starting a box/bag of goods or like-new condition kid’s items to donate! 

Between May 28-31, the school office will also be accepting donations of store-bought small cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and other misc. sweets to use as prizes in the Cake Walk.  Please consider purchasing something that week for you or your student to drop off.


May PTO Meeting Info

On Tuesday, May 7, PTO held a virtual meeting with Mr. Freeman about reductions in Capitol Hill's school budget for next year. Thank you to all who are thinking about this topic and for sharing your thoughts and questions.

We understand there were folks that could not make it last night. For that reason, we recorded the session (this link will be active until the end of the school year):https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/kVpyy9NW7Nu8UDsytQ_olbunRTtssf5lW8GSx9XWTcOwobX01-T_kF1s3yjK_bz8.M4rQ52HQb5Xz3VMl

In addition to the recording, we have the following resources for you:


Upcoming Dates

  • May 30 - Voice, Choice, & Joy Day
  • May 31 - Spring Carnival

The 2023-2024 Capitol Hill PTO Board is:

Allison Burnett (Co-Chair)

Reier Erickson (Co-Chair)

Dr. Kristin Morris (Equity Lead)

Michelle Mitchell (Treasurer)

Rachael Sewell (Secretary)

Brendan Foote (Fundraising Lead)

John Mayock (Elementary teacher rep)

Lisa Schibel (Middle School teacher rep)

Linda Morrison (Middle School teacher rep)

Please reach out to ptochair.capitolhill@gmail.com with any questions

You can support Capitol Hill PTO and get a tax deduction!

Direct Drive - Our annual drive to gather donations directly! Contributions may be made by check, cash, or electronically through GiveMN.org or PayPal. The more we are able to raise funds through direct donations, the fewer fundraiser events we must host; therefore freeing our time and efforts to support the school and students with more educational services and experiences. Support our school while getting a tax deduction.

PTO Meetings

Attend bimonthly PTO meetings to learn about issues relevant to our community, including the latest news from our principal, Mr. Freeman.

Capitol Hill Magnet School-Friends and Family Facebook Page

Join the community Facebook group as another way to be part of the school conversation.

Capitol Hill Headliners

These weekly publications are organized by the school and include information from the PTO. 

Volunteer opportunities

PTO supports various events throughout the year that need volunteers. See a current list of volunteer opportunities that are available.  If you are interested and do not know how to help or if you have an idea of your own, email us!