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Grade K-5 Advanced Learner/Gifted & Talented Identification

How are students identified as Advanced Learners/Gifted & Talented in SPPS?

Students Enrolled in SPPS Non-SPPS Students
who live in St. Paul
Non-SPPS Students
who do not live in St. Paul

The CogAT (Cognitive Ability Test) is administered to:

  • All Kindergarten & Grade 2 students enrolled in SPPS.
  • Students in grades 1, 3, 4 & 5 enrolled in SPPS may take the CogAT test upon request during the testing window.

If a student is not identified as an Advanced Learner/GT through the CogAT, another option is to complete a portfolio.

Other Identification Options: If your child has been formally identified as an advanced learner/GT in a prior school district OR your child has an IQ score of 130 or greater that has been assessed by a licensed psychologist, then submit this information to tdas@spps.org for the TDAS team to review.

Students who live in Saint Paul but do not currently attend an SPPS school may submit a portfolio to be assessed for advanced learner services.

Other Identification Options: If your child has been formally identified as an advanced learner/GT in a prior school district OR your child has an IQ score of 130 or greater that has been assessed by a licensed psychologist, then submit this information to tdas@spps.org for the TDAS team to review.

Identification Options for families who do not attend a SPPS school and do not live in Saint Paul: If your child has been formally identified as an advanced learner/GT in a prior school district OR your child has an IQ score of 130 or greater that has been assessed by a licensed psychologist, then submit this information to tdas@spps.org for the TDAS team to review.