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About Capitol Hill Gifted & Talented

At Capitol Hill we are passionate about educating gifted children. We realize the unique needs of gifted students and work to provide appropriate levels of instruction in order to maximize the potential of every child.

Our school is the district magnet for gifted and talented students. Learners here experience an academic program that challenges and builds on student strengths, passions and interests in core subjects as well as science and the arts.

Elementary students can participate in an array of music programs including band, orchestra, choir and Suzuki strings; other activities like Science Olympiad, science fair, geography and spelling bees, debate, History Day and Word Masters take place during the day or after school.

At the elementary level, Capitol Hill has specialists in science, visual arts, drama and physical education as well as music, and students participate in a variety of local, state and national competitions. Admission for grades 1-5 is based on identification of gifted/talented status through assessments given in kindergarten and second grade.

Grades 1 – 5 General Information

Students in Saint Paul Public Schools are assessed through the CogAT7 and/or the portfolio process. It is our intention to provide multiple measures for students to be identified for services. When students are identified for accelerated services this identification remains with them throughout their K-12 academic career in SPPS. Click the link for information regarding the CogAT7 test.

Students in grades 1, 3, 4 and 5 may also be nominated to receive special permission to take the test based on their high test scores and outstanding school work. There are also days set aside for non-public and charter school students to take the assessment.

If student applications exceed Capitol Hill Magnet School's openings, applicants are drawn from the pool to fill the openings. The remaining applications are placed on a waiting list.

Contact SPPS Talent Development and Acceleration Services (TDAS) at 651-744-7504 for more information.

Grades 6, 7 and 8

There is open enrollment for the middle school.

Enrollment Pathway:

  • Through 2024: Capitol Hill (1-8) → Highland Park Senior
  • Beginning 2025: Capitol Hill (1-8) → Your Community High School

Marcus Freeman

Principal - Middle/Jr